Transparent Thinking Blog

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The U.S. Senate had voted in favor of an opioid bill that expands Open Payments to include payments made to Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, Nurse Midwifes, Nurse Anesthetists, and Clinical Nurse Specialists, in addition to current physician reporting requirements. This will go into effect beginning January 1, 2022. Inconsistent Clinical Trial Disclosure and Lack of Compliance Across Big Pharma

Inconsistent Clinical Trial Disclosure and Lack of Compliance Across Big Pharma

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VIDEO: Clinical Trial Disclosures; More Transparency in the Future

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Traveling the Road to Clinical Trial Transparency

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National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) trialassure

Clinical Trial Disclosure: More “FDA” Needed in Past and Present Acts

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Clinical Disclosure Reporting: Are You Prepared to Meet the Expanding Requirements?

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