Knowing which countries to submit clinical trial results summaries to is the easy part. What becomes difficult is learning the intricacies and transparency requirements of every clinical trial registry globally, including Health Canada’s Clinical Trials Database. Here is an overview of this database:

Registry name: Health Canada’s Clinical Trials Database

Country: Canada

Year established: 2013

Points of interest:

  • Health Canada’s Clinical Trials Database is managed by Health Canada, the governmental department responsible for the nation’s public health
  • Health Canada’s Clinical Trials Database provides phase I, II, and II clinical trial information to the public
  • The Clinical Trials Database is not a registry, meaning that it does not contain comprehensive information for each clinical trial
  • Users are asked to reference external sources and other publicly available registries to obtain specific information (such as trial objectives and patient eligibility)
  • The database lists clinical trials that were authorized by Health Canada starting April 1, 2013
  • Currently, registration to Health Canada’s Clinical Trials Database is voluntary, therefore, not all clinical trials can be found within the database
  • Health Canada encourages sponsors to register clinical trials on publicly-available registries, such as and the EU CTR
  • In March 2019, Health Canada confirmed that they will be posting clinical information from regulatory submissions publicly via their new Clinical Information Portal

Related transparency research/articles:

TrialAssure® Registry can automate the disclosure of clinical trial results for Health Canada’s Clinical Trials Database. For questions or a free demo, email
