Knowing where to submit clinical trial results summaries to is the easy part. What becomes difficult is learning the intricacies and transparency requirements of every clinical trial registry globally, including the National Cancer Institute Clinical Trials Reporting Program (NCI CTRP). Here is an overview of this registry:

Registry name: National Cancer Institute Clinical Trials Reporting Program (NCI CTRP)

Year established: 2009

Points of interest:

  • The NCI CTRP maintains a comprehensive database of information on all NCI-supported interventional clinical trials.
  •  The database helps identify gaps and duplicate studies in clinical research.
  • All publicly available NCI CTRP information can be accessed via the clinical trials search feature on
  • No accrual information, including patient-level or summary, is publicly available.
  • The NCI CTRP was created after several recommendations from the NCI Clinical Trials Working Group (CTWG) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM).
  • The database helps standardize abstraction of protocol information and enforce consistent terminology and coding.
  • The data from the NCI CTRP is also accessible on an application programming interface (API).

Related transparency research/articles:

TrialAssure® Registry can automate the disclosure of clinical trial results for NCI CTRP. For questions or a free demo, fill out this form.
