Knowing which countries to submit clinical trial results summaries to is the easy part. What becomes difficult is learning the intricacies and transparency requirements of every clinical trial registry globally, including the National Registry for Clinical Studies (RNEC). Here is an overview of this registry:
Registry name: National Registry for Clinical Studies (RNEC)
Country: Portugal
Year established: 2014
Points of interest:
- The RNEC serves as a registry and publication tool for all clinical studies taking place in Portugal.
- RNEC is coordinated by an interinstitutional commission comprised of the National Authority of Medicines and Health Products (INFARMED, I.P.), the Ethics Committee for Clinical Research (CEIC), and the National Health Institute Dr. Ricardo Jorge.
- One main objective of the RNEC is to share information with researchers, healthcare professionals, and the general public.
- The RNEC accepts Portuguese and English documents related to clinical trials. English, however, must be used for contact information.
- The registry offers an electronic portal that combines a free-access area and a restricted-access area. The free-access area will allow users to publish clinical trial information, and the restricted-access area will allow users to manage the clinical trial development.
- The registry contains both interventional and non-interventional studies.
Related transparency research/articles:
- Clinical trials in Portugal: A ruby in the middle of the rubble
- National Information, Portugal: EUREC
- Portugal Clinical Trials: CenterWatch
TrialAssure® Registry can automate the disclosure of clinical trial results for RNEC. For questions or a free demo, fill out this form.