Transparency in clinical trials is continually changing, and to stay on top of the news, TrialAssure brings a bi-weekly round-up of some of the key stories surrounding disclosures in clinical trials. Relevant stories for this period are as follows:

The Landscape of Emerging Randomized Clinical Trial Evidence for COVID-19 Disease Stages: A Systematic Review of Global Trial Registries – 

To better understand the landscape of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) that have emerged as a response to COVID-19, a review was conducted to describe the emerging evidence base of COVID-19 RCTs by stages of disease progression, from pre-exposure to hospitalization. Several international registries were utilized to collect the data in this study. 

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EDS Patient Registries and Their Importance – 

Patient registries aim to help researchers better understand a particular disease, establish best practices, and, ultimately, find a cure. This article looks at how patient registries can help scientist learn more about a disease — EDS, in this case — and its treatment outcomes, as well as ways the disorder is managed. 

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Clinical Trial Data Sharing in The Time of COVID-19 – 

PHUSE will host their Data Transparency Winter Meeting from 3 – 5:30 pm on January 19-21 as a virtual webcast. Key topics will explore new challenges in data sharing, regulatory submissions and the exploration of technologies. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a joint Q&A sessionThere is no cost to join.  

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