Transparency, disclosure, data sharing, and communication in clinical trials is continually changing, and to stay on top of the news, TrialAssure brings a bi-weekly round-up of some of the key stories. Relevant stories for this period are as follows:

What’s New on On February 18, a webinar will be held on the modernization effort, including how to share feedback on any changes. Additionally, an updated FAQ section is available for those interested in further understanding the deadline for submitting certificatns for delayed submission of results information.


The Big Data Regulator, RebootedYale Law School

An article from the Yale Law School calls on the FDA for “a more contextual form of data publicity.” Additionally, they “show that clinical trial data publicity can be achieved without legislative reform, while respecting privacy, protecting any legitimate trade secrets, and maintaining or improving incentives to innovate.

Download the paper here

Event Spotlight: Clinical Data Disclosure, Transparency and Plain Language Summaries

On May 10-12, Informa Connect is hosting a three-day event on the global clinical data transparency landscape. And, if you work for a Pharma Company, Biotech Company, Medical Device, Government Body, Non-profit or Academic Institution, your admission is free!

Register for this event

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