Clinical study registration important for the future of research – National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
This NIHR blog post by NIHR Operations Director Matt Westmore outlines the importance of study registration, the challenges in registering all studies, and what is on the horizon. Westmore states that some researchers do not register studies for fear of plagiarism, in addition to other reasons like that time it takes to register a study and clarity of the process for niche areas. The author notes that monitoring noncompliance and consolidating information from all research areas is key, but we must carefully consider proper standards and infrastructure.
Read more here.
Standardized funder policies to improve transparency – Medical Bag
Pointing to 2013 expenditure data, this article makes that case that a standard set of clinical trial funder policies would drive greater adherence to transparency obligations. The data notes that half of the funders had policies that required clinical trials to be registered, and calls for greater monitoring of funder policies.
Read more here.
Upcoming events in clinical trial disclosures
EXL is hosting the 2nd Disclosure and Transparency for Clinical Data Summit on August 13-14, 2018 in Philadelphia, PA. Additional details here.
DIA is hosting the Global Clinical Trials Transparency Conference on September 19-20, 2018 in London. More details here.
CBI is hosting the 3rd Annual Lay Summaries Summit on September 24-25, 2018 in Philadelphia, PA. More details here.