Transparency in clinical trials is continually changing, and to stay on top of the news, TrialAssure brings a weekly round-up of some of the key stories surrounding disclosures in clinical trials. This week’s stories are as follows:

Canada’s Decision to Make Public More Clinical Trial Data Puts Pressure on FDA– NPR

NPR reported on Health Canada’s new transparency regulations, highlighting how the FDA should feel pressure to make clinical trial data more publicly available. In its defense, the FDA states that unique American laws that govern trade secrets and confidential commercial information prevent it from adopting similar disclosure practices.

Barbara Mantel has the full story

Animal Study Registry Could Improve Data Quality and Reduce Wasted Lives –

Earlier this year, the Animal Study Registry was launched to provide greater transparency and reproducibility in animal research. The free registry is operated by the German Centre for the Protection of Laboratory Animals at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment.

Read the full story here

Patients’ Access to Health Records – BMJ

As the international shift toward greater transparency in healthcare grows, patients are gaining access to their electronic health records via philanthropic initiatives or studies. Both patients and clinicians, however, are unsatisfied with the pace of change.

Read the BMJ editorial here.

 Make It Public – How Our Consultation Is Informing the Development of a New Strategy for Research Transparency – NHS Health Research Authority

Over the past summer, more than 700 organizations and individuals participated in the Make It Public consultation, an initiative of the UK’s National Health Service. The consultation organizers, along with the Research Transparency Strategy Group, will use participant feedback to develop a final transparency strategy before the end of the year.

Visit the NHS Health Research Authority newsroom for more updates.

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